Wastewater Treatment and Methane Recovery at Green Field Joint Stock Company




Green Field Joint Stock Company (GFC) is project owner of Dai Tan Ethanol Plant located in Dai Tan Industrial zone, Dai Tan commune, Dai Loc District, Quang Nam Province.  The factory produces 100,000 tons of fuel ethanol annually.

Project activities include construction and installation of close anaerobic digesters with an active capacity of 5000 m3/day to treat wastewater from Dai Tan alcohol factory and collect biogas; a new boiler with 75 tons steam per hour to produce steam from biogas for the plant and a new back-pressure steam turbine to produce electricity with a capacity of 6 MW

Thus GHG reductions could be achieved via the project activities is estimated at 138,009 tCO2eq per year and 1,380,089 tCO2eq over the whole crediting period of 10 years.

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