Development of Viet Nam’s Third Biennial Update Report under UNFCCC




1. Description of Project

The assignment aims to conduct assessment of information related to GHG emission reduction and to collect, synthesize and update information and data on GHG mitigation action by sectors. The ultimate goal is to develop a Draft Chapter on mitigation action and their impact assessment for Vietnam’s BUR.

2. Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

  • Task 1: Description and assessment of the organizational structure related to Viet Nam’s Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions.
  • Task 2: Study and assessment of policies related to GHG mitigation in Vietnam
  • Task 3: Collection, compilation and update of Viet Nam’s Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions
  • Task 4: Impact assessment of the GHG mitigation actions
  • Task 5: Collection, compilation and update of carbon market mechanisms: CDM, JCM, VCS, GS and others
  • Task 6: Impact assessment of the GHG mitigation actions towards achievements of sustainable development goals
  • Task 7: Compilation of Chapter relating to information on mitigation actions and impacts

3. Name of Client

Department of Climate Change (DCC), Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE)


ExpertiseReducing greenhouse gas in Viet Nam

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