Preparing for “Top-Executive Roundtable” and facility level GHG Emission Accounting and Reporting for Privates Companies, and tracking implementation and achievement of the National Determined Contribution (NDC)




On August 18, 2022, VNEEC – as JICA’s project consultant attended the meeting between Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) corporate with the Department of Climate Change (DCC) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) regarding the preparation of training and raising awareness activities within the project’s framework “Support for Planning and Implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions in Vietnam” (SPI-NDC).

After the promulgation of Decision No. 01/2022/QD-TTg dated January 18th, 2022 promulgating the list of sectors, greenhouse gas-emitting establishments subject to greenhouse gas inventory (1912 establishments), the training and raising awareness of private enterprises in the implementation of GHG emissions accounting and reporting is extremely significant.

The roundtables for top-executives co-organized by MONRE with VCCI in October in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City are expected to include both prominent domestic and foreign-invested companies in multiple sectors such as cement, pharmaceuticals, textiles, food, and beverages… Training courses for private companies in selected fields including cement, food and beverage production, and waste management will be carried out from December onward.

These planned events will promote the understanding of international trends in business and climate change, and Vietnam’s legislation on climate change which affects private sectors’ business. At the same time, the event will introduce and promote cooperative activities to respond to climate change, such as business opportunities, financial benefits, competitiveness enhancement, and brand value in participating. contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

The meeting between DCC, VCCI and JICA at VCCI office

On August 22, 2022, VNEEC also attended the consultation meeting with the Ministry of Constructions (MOC) with JICA’s expert team and representative of DCC regarding reviewing and tracking implementation processes and achievements of NDC under the requirement of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in the construction sector.

Meeting at the Ministry of Construction

During the meeting, various urgent issues were discussed including the expected issuance of a Circular guiding GHG accounting and verifying within the implementation scope of Decree 06/2022/ND-CP regulations on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and protection of the ozone layer (according to article 9 and article 11). MOC, with the support of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) and JICA, will develop a Circular guiding GHG accounting in the cement sector, expected to be issued before 2024. The cooperation in organizing propaganda, training, piloting GHG inventory and developing and operating the national Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) system in the cement and building materials (tiles, sanitary ware, ceramics…) sectors were also discussed and the needs for capacity building/training of the parties were recognized.

At the meeting, Vietnam Cement Industry Corporation (VICEM) – a leading company with 30% of the cement sector market share also attended. They contribute many magnificent comments related to the GHG emission accounting and reduction in the field of building materials sector, especially in the cement sector. VICEM has applied various measures in GHG emissions reduction as well as developed a catalogue for “Green production” and “Circulation of materials in production”. VICEM is willing to cooperate on the technical side to develop quantitative indicators and chance to access the available database in the cement sector. They are also eager to collaborate with ministries for the Circular promulgation and achieve the country’s goal of emissions reduction.

Thuy Linh

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